Seven Eagles Scouting Events:
  Scout Visits, Overnight Info, Registration Form

All scout events are on a reservation basis and are scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis. Unless there are excessive down pours and lightning, flooding or a blizzard, scheduled events are usually not cancelled by Seven Eagles. The Natives and Pioneers lived here and had to deal with the elements. Many times, the weather in the Toledo-Lucas County area is different than the other side of the Maumee River-Wood County area. The Seven Eagles cell phone (419-290-0995) may be called for questions the night before or early morning-of, for weather or information.

Liability: Seven Eagles Historical Education Center is not liable for loss, damage or injury to persons or property due to negligence or disregard for rules and regulations as posted or distributed. Seven Eagles, staff members and volunteers shall be held harmless for all injuries or losses to visitors or participants.


Overnight stays are $7.00 per person one night, $14.00 per person for two nights. Visitors must bring sleeping bags, food, etc. Catfish Inn is available for troop leaders and activities and must be left clean. Water, firewood and five clean port-a-pots are provided. The Trapper’s Lodge, Tipi and Longhouse are available for rent. The Trading Post can be opened to purchase souvenirs (.05-$3.00 average) and limited snack foods. No pets. We welcome service projects as are valuable to maintaining the property. Needs vary according to weather and seasons. Projects can be arranged.

Fishing is permitted in Cricket Frog Pond. We are a catch and release site and prefer cane pole or throw lines as this is a primitive site. Worms are for sale (market price ave. $3-$4/30 worms.) at area bait shops, Marathon Gas Station in GR, Meijer, Walmart, etc. You may bring your own poles, rods and worms or other bait. NO treble hooks allowed and barbs on other hooks/lures may be clipped or filed off. No swimming.

Canoes are included for scout groups. Life vests and paddles are included, AND, life vests must be worn at all times and an adult must be in canoes with children. No ramming of canoes please.

The 20-acre-woods are off limits due to previous damage by a tornado. We are surveying and documenting the wildflower and animal habitat before making any paths or conducting any activities in it. The hill nearest the Trapper’s Lodge is planted with wildflowers and we request that you to stay off of the hill… as well as the rooftop of the Trapper’s Lodge itself.

Cricket Frog Pond is home to the endangered Blanchard Cricket Frog, thus the pond's name. Many other types of frogs, salamanders and fish co-habit this eco-system including bass, bluegill, catfish and sterile grass-eating amurs. Native wildflowers around the shore attract diverse butterflies and birds. Many diverse animal tracks may be found in the shoreline because this is their closest water source.

The Native American Village area features two 45’ longhouses (one for education purposes and one for lodging), a wigwam, and tipi (weather permitting), and cooking area at the north side of the pond.

The Pioneer Log House Settlement is a working settlement that includes a 218-year-old log house, outdoor summer kitchen, garden area, stockades and out buildings. The log house is used during tours to demonstrate the early pioneer settler’s life.

Catfish Inn is a circa 1790’s Scottish Tavern / Inn is where visitors would have had something to eat, drink and bed down for the evening if necessary. Spaces on the upper floor would be 5 cents, a mattress on the floor would cost 10 cents and a cot with straw mattress would cost two bits or 25 cents per night and include one meal. The inn-keeper, usually a widow or matron, would live in one room off to the side and have a back room to prepare the food and drink. A wood stove would heat the inn sufficiently. Guests would create their own entertainment after dining. The Declaration of Independence was written in a Tavern/Inn such as this.

The Blacksmith's Shop of 150 years ago was central to the village for everyone's metal needs. This working venue provides visitors with a glimpse of how metal was heated, shaped and formed into tools, horseshoes, wheel rims, and other necessary items. Open by arrangement only.


  • The Trading Post museum/store is available (with advance notice) to all groups. It contains souvenir items: fire-starter kits, flint, sinew, candles, flutes, whistles, tops, rubber tomahawks, beads, arrowheads, bottled water, snacks etc. ranging in price from .05 to $3.00 average and up.
  • Additional art projects in conjunction with your studies may be coordinated and scheduled for a fee with any event or tour. Projects are discussed and arranged on a fee basis.
  • Special demonstrations in the Blacksmith Shop, black powder shooting, archery, may be scheduled according to availability and advance notice.
  • Re-enactors may be scheduled for school or community presentations or hands-on activities. Fees are negotiable based upon duration of visit, supplies and travel. Email or call Seven Eagles at 419-290-0995 to discuss details.
  • Eagle Scout projects are always welcome. Projects are discussed and arranged on a one-to-one basis. Previous projects include: bat houses, floating accessible dock, fishing dock and wood duck houses on the islands.

For further information about any Historical, Arts, Educational, or Environmental Programs, call Martin Nagy 419-290-0995 or email:

Download the registration form here .