ACLEW Support & Funding

Membership dues help us attend to the mission, programs and services of The Arts Council Lake Erie West. Your financial support through membership dues and additional gifts provide a significant percentage of the "matching funds" required to receive funding from local, state and federal agencies. Support received from citizens throughout our region helps ensure affordable classes and community access to the Common Space facilities. Several categories of basic membership exist.


Contact at:
for more membership information

Child or Senior Citizen $20
Includes annual subscription to newsletters, class brochures; discounts on ACLEW programs; annual voting privileges.

Individuals $30
Includes all of the above plus a 10% discount on art purchases at SeaGate and Common Space Galleries.

Family/Couple $50
Includes all of the above for the household plus a 10% discount on birthday parties and room rentals.

Organization $60
Includes all of the above plus an attractive certificate of recognition for display, and five membership cards.

Business Patron $100+
Includes all of the above plus a Lake Erie West poster, VIP admissions to sponsored events and patron listing in printed program books and flyers.